
Tuesday, 10 July 2018

What a wonderful world! - An open letter to the new age man

Dear God

Just as I was about to give up on good men or men altogether, I got your message loud and clear. There is hope, there is faith, there is love and understanding right in front of me. In the world of misguided attempts to protect us, the words below by my best friend’s hubby tell us that a few good ones are still out there and counting. Take a look:


Way to go, Dr. Raja Appuswamy! Thank you for putting it so aptly and wonderfully. I have no words to describe this feeling. Victory!! Yay!

I simply fell in love with these lines:
‘It’s Ok for old books to be wrong. It’s ok if God is wrong.’

In that one moment, every struggle I ever came across has just become worth it. Many times I have been judged for my choices and today one sentence just shuts all of them up ‘I don’t care what selection she makes. SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. The job of a parent is to NOT TO DECIDE WHAT IS RIGHT FOR their girl or boy. It is to help them decide on their own.

Or this:
Women dressing well due to lusty desires – This is the exact logic used in work place for sexual misconduct.

Women like me are so tired of explaining why without a man in my life, I need to look so good or happy for that matter. Thank you for saying out loud – men want to look good too and women do so for themselves. Not to attract unwanted attention.

So much has been written in support of woman empowerment but these spontaneous words are easily the best. The most wonderful thing about this post is the loud and clear acknowledgement that a woman is a person first of all.

From woman empowerment to personization of women – the new age men are redefining feminism and beautifully so!

And Nimz – great choice, Gal J

Disclaimer: This one is also true

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