
Wednesday 12 June 2019

The Road Sense

Dear God

Indicator given, horn briefly honked and turning right....Dchhaakkk! Someone makes a sharp turn right at the point where I am turning my vehicle and I hit the brakes hard. Kya karu? All the Surdas’s of the world seem to reside here only. Am I right or am I right, God? There is no charm in following the rules here God. Everybody is just a manmauji interested in whirling their darling machines left, right and center. Accelerators are meant to be twisted hard. No one cares if you are on the right path following the traffic rules to the T. You will still get the dirty looks when you drive.

So much has been said and done for road safety. But someone literally should brainwash these kids in their teens. Over-speeding, rash driving and adrenaline pumped fools who think the roads are meant for playing Road Rash.

I don’t understand why every destination must be reached in record time. Kiska record? I don’t see any world record authorities taking notes here. This one is a small town and everything is in walking distance. Most of all, over-speeding can take you someplace in one minute instead of two. Still not worth risking your life, guys.  

The inherent desire to win the rat race in life is to be blamed for this. We never teach our children that being slow is ok. All we want is for them to come first and accept nothing less. So they just adapt this same ideology when they drive. Everything is a race and they have to win. Stop it, guys. Neither life now commute is a race. It is ok to savor the moments and let people get ahead of you. Take your own time with everything. Life is precious and so are the moments you have. Nothing is going to come back. So stay back, relax and enjoy the view too.

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